[E][NDS]Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 1st & 2nd

Recently I have been casually playing a series of otome games called Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side and I wanted to share them with my friends. I think a lot of the people I interact with on here would enjoy them a lot.

They’re also “all ages” games, so I don’t feel any more creepy playing them than I do watching some super girly romance-y shoujo animu or a Korean drama or something.

Also, I really respect the people who have been creating the translation patches for doing such an amazing and thorough job. I feel like they deserve a thank you, even if it’s just a dumb blog entry. No one ever translates or localizes games like this in an official/professional sense (unless you count Princess Debut…), and they did a better job than some companies do.

But here are some screencaps to entice people into reading it. Some of these are in Japanese but the translation patches are 100% in English except for literally two graphics during a Valentine’s Day minigame that don’t even matter or impact anything.
It’s been awhile that I started the game but some otome games’ completion are hard and it’s the case for all the Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side series so I haven’t finished 2nd Season but I’ll try my best! Also, I have to redo most of the routes since I lost the Micro SD card which contained the game months ago /sobs Being on my high school senior year doesn’t help at all especially now since exams are coming soon… I guess I’ll stop complaining orz””

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